More Comments for Lori from OARC would be appreciated - Assistive Technologies
Action - clean up U of M art wiki Figure out among you how to organize the wiki. Then make a VoiceThread with a couple of other people to highlight a grouping of images. You each need to make a comment on each image that you incorporate into your VT.
Rubistar - for some help with rubrics (thanks Janna!)
Meta-Teachnition Part 3 - SMART Boards - what have you noticed about our use of the SMART Board for presentations. What was most effective and what was least effective? What are your current comfort levels. Do you see it as an effective part of your abilities or will you leave well enough alone? Due: today in D2L
Presentation - Janna/Helen/Michal --- comments
Important Ideas #21 & 22
Food, Inc excerpt - a counter argument to bigger is better, faster is better, efficiency is better.
Assign 3 - main idea sharing - find the people who also worked on your topic (if there are any) and come up with the three main points we should all know. Share them with us all.
Video games can teach important skills!
40 Quick ways to use mobile devices in your classroom
Next Class
Presentation - Laura/Kati/Jordanna
RWL for Oct. 30
Pick any three (text or video) of these (or other) articles/videos (check the video tab) that promote technology in the music classroom - for those of you in the EY stream check the PDF that is the first item listed. These are not here to convince you that you should use tech, but to get you some perspectives of what some others are thinking.
Take notes and come to class ready to comment / critique on these.
Survey Monkey - free online surveys.
PollEveryWhere - text in surveys
Google Search - advanced and images
Cybrarians - why waste time in Google?
Getting YouTube videos -, or
Rubistar - for some help with rubrics
PhotoStory - PC only (or Animoto on the web)
Editing YouTube videos - blurring faces!
One list of 20 tech skills for educators and many resource links
SmartBoard Exchange
Bob's Place - SmartBoard
Presentation - Jeremy Ritchot / Kerri Huff / Valdine Anderson - Comments
Important Ideas #15,16 & 17
Meta-Teachnition Part 2 - keep a mental note of the sites that you regularly visit which are not related to your school work or job. This could be by looking at the ones in your Bookmark bar, or the ones that you need to check daily or pretty close to daily, and perhaps, if you have some that you check weekly. Provide a brief explanation of why you choose those sites, and if you are willing list them. Due: Wednesday Oct 24, 2012 in D2L
Food, Inc excerpt
Runaway Train - A short film (and commentary) about how we unthinkingly race to our own destruction: and by Winnipeg animator - Cordell Barker
The Story Of Electronics and Electronics TakeBack Coalition websites present ideas about how to turn the tragedy around, thankfully.
Kyle suggests:
Next Class
OARC speaker
Presentation - Josh Bergmann/Phil Cook/Christel Hildebrandt
RWL for Oct. 30
Survey Monkey - free online surveys.
PollEveryWhere - text in surveys
Meta-Teachnition Part 2 - keep a mental note of the sites that you regularly visit which are not related to your school work or job. This could be by looking at the ones in your Bookmark bar, or the ones that you need to check daily or pretty close to daily, and perhaps, if you have some that you check weekly. Provide a brief explanation of why you choose those sites, and if you are willing list them. Due: Today, 2012 in D2L
Important Ideas #16 & 17
Turkle - Are kids building up walls or just creating ‘safer’ places for themselves?
How does tech run us?
Runaway Train - A short film (and animator’s comments) about how we unthinkingly race to our own destruction: and by Winnipeg animator - Cordell Barker
Action Break - we are starting a U of M art wiki and you are to go out and take pictures of art around the campus and learn as much as you can about it and post this to the wiki. You have 20 minutes to start this project today - statues, paintings, gargoyles, stained glass, wood carving, etc. Also figure out among you how to organize the wiki.
Coltan Mining - TED talk Cell Phones and Mining
x find other info about coltan mining
SNL Video - iPhone 5 complaints
Food, Inc excerpt (an argument against ‘progress’ as we generally see it)
Environment - 60 Minutes documentary
Ethical Reyclers
The Story Of Electronics and Electronics TakeBack Coalition websites present ideas about how to turn the tragedy around, thankfully. No more “Designed for the Dump”?
Assign 3 - main idea sharing - find the people who also worked on your topic (if there are any) and come up with the three main points we should all know. Share them with us all.
RWL for Oct. 30
Pick any three (text or video) of these (or other) articles/videos (check the video tab) that promote technology in the music classroom - for those of you in the EY stream check the PDF that is the first item listed. These are not here to convince you that you should use tech, but to get you some perspectives of what some others are thinking.
Take notes and come to class ready to comment / critique on these.