Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Internet Pedagogy Sept 30 2009


Educational Technology Definition
from Educational Technology (Nov-Dec 2009)

"Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources."

1) Frameworks for thinking about tech in ed.

2) Metaphors (Lakoff and Johnson) - What are some technology metaphors???

  • Argument as war / dance
  • Time is money / water
  • Conduit communication (ideas are objects transmitted to others)

Tech metaphors - Paul Tuesner's list, David Weinberger

So what are we promoting when we use technology and what do we need to promote to create a 'balanced' education?

Changing information / Changing education

Robinson: Killing Creativity - Watch this for next class


Cestagi - free professional resume/portfolio builder

Kartoo - a search engine to generate ideas.

Bibme - a better bibliography maker

Phishing (email examples) and hoaxes - Whales, Mankato MN

Resources and sharing



Google SketchUp - free 3D modeling software to download

Tomorrow's news today!! (search Philippine english newspapers)
  - how do you tell what's good?
  - how can you tell the bias?
  - what's news for them?

What can you do in a computer lab?

T and T A15 Sept 30 09


Kartoo - search engine to generate ideas.

Bibme - a better bib maker

Phisihing (email examples) and hoaxes - Whales, Mankato MN

Resources and sharing



What can you do in a computer lab?

What is Twitter and what are some project ideas?

Better Searching - Google help, country codes, Web Quest, LessonPlanet, teacherTap, Google Cheat Sheet

Assessment - Eastern School District (Nfld), Kathy Schrock, Rubistar, Teach-noloy

References - Citation Machine, noodlebib

Capture video

Tomorrow's news today - bias / perspective

Project Gutenberg - free books

Free Security Software for your PC


1) Important Ideas #2

Finish iBrain review

More on:

Marshall McLuhan (disinfodave on YouTube) - enhance, obsolesce, retrieve, reverse
- watch this for next class.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A11 and A12 Sept 29


Kartoo - search engine to generate ideas.

Bibme - a better bib maker

Phishing (email examples) and hoaxes - Whales, Mankato MN
Resources and sharing
  • Slideshare
  • Teachertube
  • DEMO --- Curriculum Navigator ????


What can you do in a computer lab?

What is Twitter and what are some project ideas?

Free theatre tickets!!!

1) Important Ideas #2

Using Technology in Education for:

  1. Basic Communication (blogs. email, texting and PP - students, parents & teachers)
  2. Info Gathering (RSS, web sites and advanced search)
  3. Subject Specific Software - Drill & Practice, simulations, GPS, graphing, labs
  4. Info Creating (wikis, blogs, web sites)
  5. Collaboration - wikis, docs, video, audio
  6. Presentation / Motivation (Hawthorne effect and larger audience)

4) Frameworks for tech in ed - you have to start thinking about the implications of technology

5) McLuhan Overview - roddy99 on YouTube. Did you watch it? What did you think?

Friday, September 25, 2009

A15 Sept 25 09

Free theatre tickets for Education students from PTE !!

Marking assign 1
    Content - x 4 ???
    Creativity/Originality - x 3   ????

Marshall McLuhan - wow!

Online surveys - SurveyMonkey site, SurveyMonkey presentation on Slideshare.

Brain research - an overview of the book iBrain by G Small and G Vardon
IBrain Review- ended with Communication skills - around slide 26
View more presentations from rredekopp.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A11 and A12 Sept 24

Dafoe library with Donna Masson - showed us EbscoHost search and ERIC searches. There is a handout that helps you find these things.

Researching the Digital Native's environment - general searches and narrowing them down.

Info Gathering - RSS (Google and Netvibes), Teacher Tube, Slideshare
Better Searching - Google help, country codes, Web Quest, LessonPlanet, teacherTap, Google Cheat Sheet
Sematntic web search - KartOO, Grokker, Inquiry Based Learning
Assessment - Eastern School District (Nfld), Kathy Schrock, Rubistar, Teach-noloy
References - Citation Machine, Easybib,

Some non-text resources on Digital Natives:

Digital Natives project by Edutopia

Educause podcasts (mainly higher ed, so you need to pick and choose)

Scotland Project on Games Based Learning 

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Internet Pedagogy Sept 23 09


Assignment Q and A

Extra help on basics like PowerPoint and wikis and blogs (before or after class???)

0) Comments on the readings/listenings/watchings - Is this the dumbest generation?

Lack of basic skills, remedial courses are being offered, academic writing course offered which wasn't offered before
Good at using applications but many of us have no idea how it works, disposable society
More kids going to university than ever before, but is technology the reason?  No evidence to suggest technology is the reason
Students are boring, their form of entertainment revolves around texting.......
Students are more gullable, but is some areas they're less gullable, selectively well informed, can check things on the internet
Is there proof that they're dumber?  It's not a yes or no answer......
Difficulty in deciphering what they find, they have everything they need to find the answer but can't find it, they have difficulty finding meaningful info, don't know how to properly read a text, have too many choices that they don't know what to choose, don't know where to start, stopping is harder,

1) What are schools for? What is education? Why are you here? What do you hope to accomplish with your students?

    Write down a one or two sentence response
    Share with one other person and modify/revise if you wish
    Share with another pair of people

What do some 'experts' say?

2) Education has gone from a religious focus/control to an industrial focus/control to "information focus ", but who’s in control??

  • How is the world changing? The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman.
  • Heat: How to Stop the Planet From Burning by George Monbiot. – the book
  • Tools I use to communicate – Webct, RSS (bloglines and Google Reader), blogs (NL, google and bloglines), Librarything, wikis (school and PD)
  • Internet vs. the library – do kids choose any differently on the internet than they would in a library?
  • What tech do we really need in schools?
  • Hawthorne effect – what’s wrong with adding interest?

Educational Technology Definition
from Educational Technology (Nov-Dec 2009)

"Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources."


You can sign up for presentations on the wiki.

Blogs, wikis and RSS - what's the difference?

Google Docs two - try inviting a different person to edit one of your files.

Wikis - how to and examples - Learning new media “Cool Tools for Schools” and “Getting Tricky with Wikis” .
         - show off your students' work
         - do group/class projects
         - keep class notes
   - what are your examples??

Photostory = free simple slide/movie creation - get some sample images HERE. See the project (gr. 1 - 3 multi-age) here

Some non-text resources on Digital Natives:

Digital Natives project by Edutopia

Educause podcasts (mainly higher ed, and you need to pick and choose)

Scotland Project on Games Based Learning The metaphors of technology

  • tags: no_tag

    • Similarly, the computer model might lead us to think that we're programmed. But such a belief would have us "dumb down" our educational system, substituting programming for teaching, and being programmed for learning.

      Finally -- although there are many other possible examples--computers may model rationality (they don't, actually), but they sure don't touch emotion. The computing metaphor treats emotion as a mere epiphenomenon, an accidental byproduct like the heat generated by a TV set. As "information" appliances, computers are already biased against emotion, preferring a "just the facts, ma'am" world. But emotions are about what things mean to us and thus enable information to matter. They are the engines of personhood, not a byproduct.

      Now for the hard part. Suppose for the moment that the Web is as defining of the coming age as the steam engine and computers were of theirs. How are we going to understand ourselves in light of the Web? We can already begin to hear ourselves thinking of a memory lapse as a "broken link."

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

A15 Sept 23 09

Assign 1 deadline changed to Oct. 9


Wikis - how to and examples - Learning new media “Cool Tools for Schools” and “Getting Tricky with Wikis” .
         - show off your students' work
         - do group/class projects
         - keep class notes

Photostory = free simple slide/movie creation - get some sample images HERE. See the project (gr. 1 - 3 multi-age) here


Assignment Questions ??
Extra lab time - after classes ???

1) Using Technology in Education for:

  1. Basic Communication (blogs. email, texting and PP - students, parents & teachers)
  2. Info Gathering (RSS, web sites and advanced search)
  3. SuProxy-Connection: keep-alive
    Cache-Control: max-age=0

    ect Specific Software - Drill & Practice, simulations, GPS, graphing, labs
  4. Info Creating (wikis, blogs, web sites)
  5. Collaboration - wikis, docs, video, audio
  6. Presentation / Motivation (Hawthorne effect and larger audience)

2) Frameworks for tech in ed - you have to start thinking about the implications of technology

3) McLuhan Overview - roddy99 on YouTube (watch and take notes for next class)

Some non-text resources on Digital Natives:

Digital Natives project by Edutopia

Educause podcasts (mainly higher ed, and you need to pick and choose)

Scotland Project on Games Based Learning 

Monday, September 21, 2009

A11 and A12 Sept 22 09


NOTE: We are going to the Dafoe library on Thursday!! Meet at the research desk at 10:40 (We are going to the Gold lab)

Wikis - how to and examples - Learning new media “Cool Tools for Schools” and “Getting Tricky with Wikis” .
         - show off your students' work
         - do group/class projects
         - keep class notes

Photostory = free simple slide/movie creation - get some sample images HERE. See the project (gr. 1 - 3 multi-age) here


NOTE: We are going to the Dafoe library on Thursday!! Meet at the research desk at 10:40 (A12 at 1:00)

Tuesday at 3:00 and Thursday at 9:45 for extra help in the lab

0) Is this the Dumbest Generation? Yes/No? Comments on the readings/listenings.

1) Important Ideas


Discussion Summary

  • students don't know how groups function: you have to give them roles.
  • internet is mainly used for gossip: facebook, twitter etc
  • we are more narcissistic now
  • information is more easily accessible, but are we actually taking advantage of it? do we use what is available, or waste time?
  • we are lazier. There is more technology, we do not have to think for ourselves.
  • people don't know how to do hands-on kind of stuff. Passive activities are more common. Information is just given to you.

Not Dumbest
  • IQ scores are higher; graduate scores are up; graduate numbers are up
  • literacy is going down BUT information is being presented in a different way so people learn in different ways
  • get more information to the most amount of people... different ways
  • We are against video games.
  • kids are better at multi-tasking now. They can focus on more stuff.

Some non-text resources on Digital Natives:

Digital Natives project by Edutopia

Educause podcasts (mainly higher ed, and you need to pick and choose)

Scotland Project on Games Based Learning 

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A15 Sept 18

-1) You can sign up for Assign 1 topics on the wiki

0) Extra lab help for Powerpoint, blogs and wikis. WHEN ???? (8:30? 3:00? Saturday or Monday?)

1) Assignment 1 Q and A Let's make a rubric!

2) Powerpoint - tips

- Ezeter
- Garr Reynolds
- Microsoft Do's and Don'ts

3) Is this the Dumbest Generation? Comments on the readings/listenings. 
                 Summarize your ideas to one other person on your side of the question.
                 Your pair then SHARE (not convince) your ideas with a pair form teh other side of the question.

4) Important Ideas

Discussion summary

In favour of the opinion that the "digital natives" are stoopid:
  • Decrease in literacy
  • Information used less frequently
  • Technologies distract from better uses of time
  • Decrease in critical thinking
  • The generation has become reliant on technology to complete simple tasks (spelling, calculating)
  • Socially stupid
  • Lower attention spans, interest, and motivation
  • Ain't got good grammar skillz

Against said opinion:
  • Easier access to information
  • Use of different media for reading (e.g. online)
  • Using technology in a technology-based society is beneficial
  • Work can be done faster
  • Greater ability to multitask/time-manage
  • It is not that the generation is stupid, but rather that they learn in a different manner
  • It is not a matter of stupidity, but instead that different skills have been acquired
  • btw vote 4 jason??? :)

A11 and A12 Sept 17


-2) You can sign up for Assign 1 topics on the wiki.

 Powerpoint - tips

- Ezeter
- Garr Reynolds
- Microsoft Do's and Don'ts

-1) Assignments 1 Q and A
- essentially two parts:
  • Theory - how are kids different, how can technology assist their learning (or should it) and your opinion
  • An online lesson for students (in a specific course) that works on one of the topics listed -- or other possibilities (check with me first)

Let's make a rubric! Here is our sample. A11 and A12

0) What are schools for? What is education? Why are you here? What do you hope to accomplish with your students?

Write down a one or two sentence response
Share with one other person and modify/revise if you wish
Share with another pair of people

What do some 'experts' say?
(Go to iTunes - Store and search for TVO. The episode is called Sept 15, 2008)

Education is what's left after you've forgotten all the facts.
(Of all the things you've learned here ...)

Building Brains, Bodies and Relationships

Work prep/moral development/social skills

half the point - what are the other halves?


Keep kids occupied while their parents work

Environics / Gallup polls and others

Parent teacher interviews

OUR school is OK - the rest are bad.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Internet Pedagogy Sept 16 09

Internet Pedagogy - Sept. 16 09

Welcome (Break at 6:55 or sooner)

1) R Redekopp

2) Intros – real people - Who are you, where do you teach, what do you teach, why are you here (least-worst option?) ?
        - Pictures!! Put your name on a piece of paper - nice and dark and legible please.

3) Course Outline and assignments - Choose your own deadlines!! You cannot do everything at the end.

4) What are we going to do here?
Practical - what's out there and how do I use it?
Theoretical - how is this 'revolution' effecting us and our students (the supposed Digital Natives)?

Scrolls to Books- the practical
McLuhan Overview - roddy99 on YouTube

 For next class:

Read Don Tapscott Grown Up Digital excerpt - found on the bottom of the page.

Read one of the articles or reviews of the The Dumbest Generation by Mark Bauerlein.
Listen to an interview on PBS with both Tapscott and Bauerlein

or TVO with Gary Small and Don Tapscott - click on the Your Brain on Tech tab if necessary

Lab Time

1) Claim your U of M ID (if you haven't already)

2) Create a account --- so we can try a bunch of tools
2b) Using tabs to browse and have many things open at once.

3a) Course Outline -

3b) Add your email to join

3c) The class social network - no, not facebook! Check this one out - you are welcome to join or we can create one just for this class.

4) Check out

5) Log in to Angel (course outline web)

6) Check the class blog

7) Blogs, wikis and RSS - what, why and what's the difference?

8) Create a blog

9) Create a google doc or presentation and share it.

Sept 16 A15


1) From last lab - what do you have access to?

Gmail (if you want to use it)
RSS feeds (
Blogs ( Use your google log-in and create a blog if you don't have one.
Documents ( For word pro, spreadsheets and presentations. You can share these for collaboration.

Calendars (

2) Add to the class wiki - choose a category (or create a new one) and add a link, with a short description, to that page.

3) The Plagiarism Checker


0) Names

1) Assignments 1 Q&A
- essentially two parts:
Theory - how are kids different, how can technology assist their learning (or should it) and your opinion
An online lesson for students (in a specific course) that works on one of the topics listed -- or other possibilites (check with me first)

  For next class:

Read Don Tapscott Grown Up Digital excerpt - found on the bottom of the page.

Read one of the articles or reviews of the The Dumbest Generation by Mark Bauerlein.
Listen to an interview on PBS with both Tapscott and Bauerlein

or TVO with Gary Small and Don Tapscott - click on the Your Brain on Tech tab if necessary

An actual lesson using the technology - from the list, but related to a curricular area, OR part of your curricular area. (check with me first.)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept 15 A11 and A12 Lab


1) From last lab - what do you have access to?

Gmail (if you want to use it)

RSS feeds (

Blogs ( Use your google log-in

Documents ( For word pro, spreadsheets and presentations. You can share these for collaboration.

Calendars (

2) Add to the class wiki - choose a category (or create a new one) and add a link, with a short description, to that page.

4) The Plagiarism Checker


Who are you??

For next class:

Read Don Tapscott Grown Up Digital excerpt - found on the bottom of the page.

Read one of the articles or reviews of the The Dumbest Generation by Mark Bauerlein.
Listen to an interview on PBS with both Tapscott and Bauerlein

or TVO with Gary Small and Don Tapscott - click on the Your Brain on Tech tab if necessary

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept 11 A15

Who are you??

0) What are schools for?
What is education? Why are you here? What do you hope to accomplish with your students?

Write down a one or two sentence response
Share with one other person and modify/revise if you wish
Share with another pair of people

What do some 'experts' say?

For next week:

Read Don Tapscott Grown Up Digital excerpt - found on the bottom of the page.

Read one of the articles or reviews of the The Dumbest Generation by Mark Bauerlein.
Listen to an interview on PBS with both Tapscott and Bauerlein

or TVO with Gary Small and Don Tapscott - click on the Your Brain on Tech tab if necessary

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

T&T Sept 9/10

Lab Work 1

1) Claim your U of M ID (if you haven't already)

2) Create a account --- so we can try a bunch of tools
2b) Using tabs to browse and have many things open at once.

3a) Course Outline -

3b) Add your email to join

3c) The class social network - no, not facebook! You may choose to join.

4) Check out

5) Log in to Angel (course outline web)

6) Check the class blog

8) Blogs, wikis and RSS - what, why and what's the difference?


1) Pictures!! Put your name on a piece of paper - nice and dark and legible please.

2) Prof Redekopp

3) First look at the assignments

Friday, September 4, 2009

Welcome to Teacher and Tech Fall 09

And so the trek begins.

We will be exploring the theme of the 'digital native' as we learn about technology in the classroom and how to use it well. We'll look at theory and we'll do some practical stuff - for you, for your students and for your 'community'.

You all have different levels of tech experience and knowledge of how to make good educational use of it, so this course is about pushing yourself forward from where you are now.

Work hard, push yourself and you will enjoy.

Internet Pedagogy Sept 08

IP Class Sept 25


Tomorrow's news today!! (search Philippines english newspapers)
- how do you tell what's good?
- how can you tell the bias?
- what's news for them?

Sharing and publishing docs (sharing can be fun and scary)

Should we go on a Picnik??? ( for photo editing)


Questions / Assignments ??

Deadlines please...

Important Ideas ??

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

How do we deal with this in ourselves and students?

Slides from Google is Stupid

Too many people missing without letting me know. Thank-you to those who did.

Email me your list of deadlines please!

This week we decided not to take a break, but to finish earlier. Think about it.

LAB - most evenings we will start in the lab.

We started with and learned that if you use the link in webct you can run into login problems, so just go directly to the site and log in there. Also - to reduce or eliminate the email notices, you can go to account (top right) and change the settings there.

We added pages, edited pages, learned about stealing the lock from other people, adding plug-ins and editing the sidebar (menu).

You can now start adding content to these pages (or make new pages) for assignment 1.

We also started a presentation in Google docs - which looks very much like a stripped down Powerpoint or Keynote. You can upload your PP work or you can download your presentations as PP files for when you don;t have internet access.


We watched the video, Are Schools Killing Creativity? and discussed it's relevance for us and how we tend not to vary much from how we were taught. For the child gifted in skills that are not school skills, we have to find things to offer and encourage them. Schools were developed for an industrial age and all the priorities that go with it - reading, basic math, being on time, coming every day, doing the work an authority assigns to you ....

We talked about charter schools and hockey schools and whether they could work in Manitoba and how many diverse schools you can possibly have.

We did not get around to discussing the Poster article yet.

For next class read Is Google Making Us Stupid?

We were missing a number of people tonight - hmmmm. Only a couple emailed me to let me know.

We started by talking about the following questions in groups of 3 - 4:

- coolest cultural differences you have encountered
- what part of your 'heritage' is being lost (that which helps define you as German, Ukrainian, Chinese, Eritrean, ..... - Canadian ?
- why does English have so many foreign words?

This was in preparation for the notion that the internet may be the device that assimilates us all into one culture, and we need to think about whether that is a good thing and how to respond.

We talked about some of the readings. In particular was the Graham article:

Graham - Anarchy and the Internet --- the serious issues
- anarchy as good and bad (govt. as good or bad)
- cultural compliance / assimilation (who are the Borg?)
- cross-border disruption (subversive in that it can ignore existing governments)
Could this be democracy across political borders??)
- is knowledge = power ??
Does access to knowledge = knowledge??

Some quotes:

The first [assumption] is that knowledge is power. It is only if this is true that widespread unrestricted access to knowledge constitutes popular empowerment, and correspondingly that the inability to restrict it counts as a diminution in the power of the state. The second assumption is that the ability to contribute to the world of the internet also constitutes a power, an influence on outcomes in that world.

There is however a further line of thought worth exploring. This rests upon the idea that what the internet encourages is not so much political as moral anarchy, and that moral anarchy is inherently destructive.

moral education is most obvious in the early years of a life, but it continues indefinitely, and at every stage its form is the same - the submission and tempering of natural preferences to socializing influences.

Surfers have the the opportunity to seek out kindred spirits and to pass over the sort of reforming and refining influences that operate in normal processes of learning. This is evidenced most strikingly perhaps in such things as child pornography networks where, I shall assert, evil preferences are unchecked because those things which would check them can be ignored by the surfer, and are then strengthened by meeting with confirming responses. The logical outcome of this is moral fragmentation rather than moral community. Such fragmentation is anarchic in the bad sense.

In conclusion:

DON'T PANIC - educate and socialize!!

We have the responsibility to act and to educate our students.

Lab time

We logged in to WebCT, created Google accounts so we can try some of the Web 2.0 stuff like docs, mail, blogs, RSS readers, calendars, etc. You do not have to use gmail (or any of the others in the long run) but we can try these things with only one password and user name

We also requested access to which is the wiki we will use with this class to share information about the internet, pedagogy and teaching resources.

NOTE: All the dates on the course outline are wrong! We go straight through until Nov 27. There is no class in December

Started with claiming user ID's and intros. Please make sure that you can login to WebCT (

We are a group from all over the grade and curriculum scales. It will be interesting to hear all the different perspectives while we talk about issues and resources.

We did some brainstorming and sharing about what we think is important about education. Some of the ideas we came up with are:

Ideas about education
Chance to play
Giving direction and meaning
Open doors
Power trips
Fostering curiousity
Enriching experiences
Keeping up to date
Creating global citizens
creating interaction
Positive role models
Creative thinking and problem solving
More than one solution

We are being told that education has to change form an industrial model to an information age model. Are we doing this for our students or for the large corporations? Does it matter who we are doing this for?

Rennie demonstrated some of the communication tools he uses. They are linked on the course outline on webct

We also talked what is essential technology. Rennie thinks a word processor is the only computer tools a student really needs from K-12. Others think they only need the internet (and web2 tools). Whatever they need, they need direction in how to use it effectively and meaningfully - especially the internet.

Regarding the assinment about the internet protfolio. here is some more info:

You are to develop a portfolio that explores the potential of the internet for teaching and learning in your particular subject or interest area. The portfolio will consist of an exploration of 10-15 internet-based databases, concepts, “tools”, software or websites. Each should will be organized on a minimum of one page using the following structure:

Title, Description (What is it?),
Pedagogic Possibilities (How can it be used in the classroom?)
Potential Problems (What is the downside of this idea? Where might problems arise?)
Example (Provide an example of how the idea might be used.
References (Include here any websites consulted.)

Some Details

Your portfolio should be accompanied by an introductory page and a conclusion page. Writing is to be in the third person, and should be written for a generic audience who might pick up the document without any knowledge of the course. In other words, this is an objective document, not subjective.

Some potential resources, tools, websites or concepts to explore

2. Google Images
3. Google Scholar
4. Google Docs
5. Database:Oxford English Dictionary
6. Database: Dissertation Abstracts
7. Website: UM Commons
8. Portal: UM Jump
13. Wikipedia
14. Wikiquote
15. Wikihow
17. You tube
18. Netmeeting
19. Yahoo messenger
20. My Face
21. webquest


Grading is holistic, based on content, discussion, as well as writing, and presentation skills.

Posted Friday, September 05, 2008 1:56 AM by rredekopp

Internet Pedagogy Oct/Nov 08


Garth (who started early for the small crowd) - The Internet: A Reflection

Julye - LwICT in the Primary Grades: A Good Thing

Jocelyn - CyberBullying

Bryan - a DVD on Cyberbullying (he now understands my saying that "multimedia is the black hole of time")


Course Evaluation

Than sk for all your participation and ideas! Use the tech wisely young jedis


Class Evaluation

Bullying Awareness Week

Hot Potatoes - sample - download

Great new online graphics editor - SumoPaint



Kristen M
Gayle B
Allan S - Internet - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Mark Bredin - Best Practices of ICT
Simmy and Brett

Exam review - see the wiki

Class Evaluation on paper - next week.


Google Maps - making your own and exploring others


Class Evaluation online


Darren - presentation

Krista Magnowski - Presentation

Possible Exam Questions

Holly - Presentation

Melanie - Presentation

John's presentation

Note: Some Lane County and state (Oregon) results on ballot measures
source: Eugene Register-Guard


Measure 58 — Imposes limit on teaching public school students in language other than English
(83 of 83 Lane County precincts counted)
Local votes Local percentage State count State percentage
No 97,818 57.0% 872,900 55.2%
Yes 63,665 37.1% 708,177 44.8%
Under votes 10,166 5.9% None %
Over votes 0 0.0% None %
Vote totals 171,649 1,581,077
Measure 60 — Teacher "classroom performance," determines pay raises
(83 of 83 Lane County precincts counted)
Local votes Local percentage State count State percentage
No 104,044 60.6% 958,174 60.3%
Yes 58,163 33.9% 631,528 39.7%
Under votes 9,442 5.5% None %
Over votes 0 0.0% None %
Vote totals 171,649 1,589,702

Mentioned in class

VLC media player

Heat :How To Keep The Planet From Burning by George Monbiot


marking - wikis and effort, another example, making it public, getting comments

Check WebCT grades

BitTorrent - downloading music and getting the 'ads' - dealing with what is inappropriate

Manitoba Govt doc on Assessment

Grokker semantic search


Finding TV content - Invision

Flowgram - different way of making presentations

Baraniuk, Richard (2006): Goodbye, textbooks; hello, open-source learning.



Wendy - Presentation

Blogging Democracy: The contribution of political blogs to democracy - Gareth Lewis

Gore, Al (2006): 15 ways to avert a climate crisis.

Kelly, Kevin (2005): How does technology evolve? Like we did.


Better Searching - Web Quest,, Google Cheat Sheet, LessonPlanet, teacherTap

Semantic web search - KartOO

Assessment - Eastern School District (Nfld), Kathy Schrock, Rubistar, Teach-noloy,

References - Citation Machine, EasyBib, BibMe OttoBib

Writing and research citations - Purdue


Are You Paying Attention ??? Are we? Should We?

Technology and Citizenship - Darin Barney



- Ezeter
- Garr Reynolds
- Microsoft Do's and Don'ts


Louise Presentation - Has the Internet Changed How We Think?

Dino Presentation - Is the Internet Good or Evil?

McLuhan Review -



Technology and Society - Neil Postman (should we have clones of ourselves for spare parts?)

Technology and Citizenship - Darin Barney

Summary or

Blogging Democracy: The contribution of political blogs to democracy - Gareth Lewis

Summary or


MidTerm Survey -

Music and Podcasting - student creations using Garageband (Mac only), Audacity or Sonic Fundry Acid Pro

Someone's Web 2 Favourites

Web 2 for the classroom that works


Video - the new essay or how to validate the process?

Sample documentary on media. (roddy99) What are the elements? How is this an essay? Where are the references?

McLuhan Overview - roddy99 on YouTube

Marshall McLuhan (disinfodave on YouTube) - enhance, obsolesce, retrieve, reverse


Lab - drawing tools

Web sites with Bias - Google: martin luther king

Social Bookmarking -


Sarah and copyright

New / Social Technologies Podcasts:
Alan November - Going Global
Will Richardson - Social Technologies in the Classroom
Internet Pedagogy October 2, 2008


Check out our wiki -

Creative Commons searches

Curriculum Navigator -



Net niceness - shield them or teach them?

Digital citizenship on the digital playground

- actively teaching the ethics and responsibility of internet use

- you can protect them to some degree at school ,but what about at home?

- Once You Post It video and a another one for Sarah
- Internet Safety - chat
- Bullying

Plagiarism, bullying, intellectual property (music rights, image rights, etc.), pornography, Facebook/MySpace, long term consequences (Leslie Hughes and others)

New / Social Technologies Podcasts:
Alan November - Going Global
Will Richardson - Social Technologies in the Classroom

For next class read: Sarah and copyright

Also Darin Barney - One Nation Under Google PDF version or Video version. Just the first segment/chapter or two will help

Posted Thursday, October 02, 2008 9:49 PM by rredekopp