Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A15 Sept 23 09

Assign 1 deadline changed to Oct. 9


Wikis - how to and examples - Learning new media “Cool Tools for Schools” and “Getting Tricky with Wikis” .
         - show off your students' work
         - do group/class projects
         - keep class notes

Photostory = free simple slide/movie creation - get some sample images HERE. See the project (gr. 1 - 3 multi-age) here


Assignment Questions ??
Extra lab time - after classes ???

1) Using Technology in Education for:

  1. Basic Communication (blogs. email, texting and PP - students, parents & teachers)
  2. Info Gathering (RSS, web sites and advanced search)
  3. SuProxy-Connection: keep-alive
    Cache-Control: max-age=0

    ect Specific Software - Drill & Practice, simulations, GPS, graphing, labs
  4. Info Creating (wikis, blogs, web sites)
  5. Collaboration - wikis, docs, video, audio
  6. Presentation / Motivation (Hawthorne effect and larger audience)

2) Frameworks for tech in ed - you have to start thinking about the implications of technology

3) McLuhan Overview - roddy99 on YouTube (watch and take notes for next class)

Some non-text resources on Digital Natives:

Digital Natives project by Edutopia

Educause podcasts (mainly higher ed, and you need to pick and choose)

Scotland Project on Games Based Learning 

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