Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Teacher and Technology - Sept 12, 2012


Class web presence (this is an ongoing experiment in digital culture and ‘metateachnition’):
Angel - only to show your marks
Twitter: @rredekopp
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/rredekopp
Class Notes - http://rredekopp.blogspot.com
Class wiki (where you contribute - request access) - http://teacherandtech.pbworks.com
Redekopp Online Newspaper - http://paper.li/rredekopp

Bibliography makers - bibme.org. refworks, easybib.

TEXTBOOK! - a portable device that has internet access.

Course Outline and assignments


Intros - course, me, you (school placement, something interesting about you)

A Head Teacher’s Story

Pencil Technology (in case you thought twitter was useless)

Important Idea #1

MetaTeachnition - a new word for you to know. It means to think about your (or anyone else's) teaching and what is going on in terms of the you, the students, the classroom environment, your lesson, etc.

Next class

Finish course intro / Questions / What good is Google?

Read/Watch/Listen list for Sept 18 and 20

Sept 18

These are all short articles - please

Nicolas Carr – Is Google Making Us Stupid?

We can still read! - Why Digital Doesn't Mean Dumb!

What is a good teacher?

Gladwell - How to Identify a Good Teacher Prospect

Sept 20

The Brain -  “Will fast facts do to our brains, what fast food has done to our bodies?” R. Redekopp

Start with this short NY Times article: The Science of Concentration

Then choose one more from among the following and bring your notes to class:

Gary Small - iBrain - text or video choices or audio

Multitasking or Paying Attention: Winnifred Gallagher - the book Rapt, or video (around the 30 minute mark to find the multitasking stuff)audio

Your Brain on Technology - audio

Next lab

Video and Audio tools

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