Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Teacher and Technology - Music Sept 13, 2012


Class web presence (this is an ongoing experiment in digital culture and ‘metateachnition’):
Desire2Learn - only to show your marks
Twitter: @rredekopp
Class Notes -
Class wiki (where you contribute - request access) -
Redekopp Online Newspaper -

Course Outline and assignments

SMART Notebook

Open Source Software - free to download and use. Wide variety of programs - eg TTA lossless codec
ex. Music notation - scroll down a bit to MuseScore
Bibliography makers - refworks, easybib.
Audacity / Garageband


Questions about course or assignments

Important Idea #2

How I approach tech for teachers

  • Admin tasks
  • Communication with parents and students
  • CAL
  • Creativity and expression of learning
  • Assessment

ISTE Standards for teachers and students

Next class

Video and Audio tools

Read/Watch/Listen list for Sept 18 and 20

Sept 18

These are all short articles - please

Sept 20

  • The Brain -  “Will fast facts do to our brains, what fast food has done to our bodies?” R. Redekopp

  • Start with this short NY Times article: The Science of Concentration

  • Then choose one more from among the following and bring your notes to class:

  • Gary Small - iBrain - text or video choices or audio

  • Multitasking or Paying Attention: Winnifred Gallagher - the book Rapt, or video (around the 30 minute mark to find the multitasking stuff)

  • Your Brain on Technology - audio

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