Welcome to Fall 2013 Teacher and Technology!
Computer Lab- Claim UMNet ID
- Course Outline and assignments
- Course ‘textbook’
- Create a google account if you don’t have one
- Online notes and resources (request access to http://teacherandtech.pbworks.com/)
- D2L - grades and discussions
- Envisioning the Future infographic - http://envisioningtech.com/envisioning-the-future-of-education.png
- Symbaloo package - http://www.symbalooedu.com/startoftheschoolyear2013/
Release forms for research
- A15 (http://todaysmeet.com/TandTA15S11)
-A17 (http://todaysmeet.com/TandTA17S11)
- A15 (http://todaysmeet.com/TandTA15S11)
-A17 (http://todaysmeet.com/TandTA17S11)
Intros and a personal fact we wouldn’t guess about you
Who is Dr. Redekopp?
MetaTeachNition - a new term and survival tool! It means to think about your (or anyone else's) teaching and what is going on in terms of the you, the students, the classroom environment, your lesson, etc.
How I approach tech for teachers
- Admin tasks
- Communication with parents and students
- Creativity and expression of learning
- Assessment
Pencil Technology (in case you thought twitter was useless)
Shift Happens - are you ready?
Next class - Donna Masson - Online research
RWL (Read/Watch/Listen) for Friday, Sept 13
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