Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Read/Watch/Listen for Sept 24 (weekend) and Sept 28

Here are some R/W/L options for September 24 and 28. Choose your format. Since they are not all the same, be prepared to share your info based on what you read, watch OR listen to.


Marc Prensky - Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Choose TWO of the following:

Digital Media and Youth.pdf
Youth, Identity and Digital
Born Digital excerpt - John Palfrey and Urs Gasser (they also have podcasts available)
or any of these
Media Awareness Centre
Center for Media Literacy


Digital Etiquette on YouTube
Privacy and Ordering Pizza! (just for fun!)


TVO - The Agenda - The Myth of Digital Literacy (click on the tab for the episode). You can download these from the iTunes store as well.
Born Digital excerpt - John Palfrey and Urs Gasser (they also have podcasts available)
or any of these
Interview with John Palfrey - Perseus Publishing

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