Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Teacher and Technology Feb 27 2013


31 Top Apps from FETC - and how to view them all at once

Opavote.com - alternate voting siteFree polling web sites
Pixabay is a good place to find and download quality public domain images.
Mentormob - ‘playlists’ (or collections) of resources.
Maple - MB education networking site. We are trying to create a TC group with RRC, BU, and UW
Symbaloo - consolidate social networks with your personal internet desktop.

VoiceThread - Use this to create a debate or group info site
Thinglink - an image plus a thousand words (and more)


A16 - Erin R., Agnus & Lydia G. - Comments

A17 -   Kendall, Jocelyn, and Lily: Edmodo - Comments

From Friday’s assignment on Edmodo and BYTE 2013 Conference What is your one new idea to share? Polleverywhere?

Important ideas for_teachers  24 and 25 (22 and 23 for A17)

Exam questions ???

MetaTeachnition #3 in D2L -
SMART Boards - what have you noticed about our use of the SMART Board for presentations. What was most effective and what was least effective? What are your current comfort levels. Do you see it as an effective part of your abilities or will you leave well enough alone?

Apps for specific courses - demo of some apps

What to really believe about teaching.
10 Cool Apps for teachers from FETC
31 Top Apps from FETC

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