Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Teacher and Technology - Feb 1, 2012

Games from RWL - find a good one or two and put it one the class wiki.
SumoPaint- create an image that represents your tech journey so far in this course.


Presentation - Blaine, Scott, John on How Teachers Benefit from Technology in the Classroom

Social Media Kids song

Important Ideas 12 and 13  

Lakoff and Johnson - Metaphors We Live By - and a summary and Bower's critique
Lakoff video of how this started
Lakoff  video - Framing
Neil Postman - Five Things we should Know About Technological Change


Which games? Which kids? How often? How to asses it?


Dragon Search/Dictate
Our Choice and new ‘books’ from Apple (ibooks author)
Lakoff and Johnson - Metaphors We Live By - and a summary and Bower's critique
Lakoff video of how this started
Lakoff  video - Framing

High School UNESCO themed videos

Project Milo

Monday, January 30, 2012

RWL for Feb 7/8 and Feb 14/15



Teacher and Technology - Music Jan 31, 2012


Games from RWL


Social Media Kids song

Presentation signup????????????????????

Important Ideas 12 and 13  

What is music? New Music Festival and teaching kids about music innovation

Lakoff and Johnson - Metaphors We Live By - and a summary and Bower's critique
Lakoff video of how this started
Lakoff  video - Framing
Neil Postman - Five Things we should Know About Technological Change


Which games? Which kids? How often? How to asses it?


Dragon Search/DictateOur Choice and new ‘books’ from Apple (ibooks author)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

E-Recycling in Manitoba

Manitoba Gov't Programs

Winnipeg - visit the link above for other Manitoba locations
Location  Dates and Hours of Operation
(Please call for more
Telephone Number
Computers for Schools
75 Terracon Place Winnipeg, MB
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Ph: 204-988-1790
Miller Environmental Corporation
1803 Hekla Ave. Winnipeg, MB
 
Monday-Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
HHW Saturdays:
First & Last Saturday (April – October) First Saturday of the Month (Nov–Mar)
9:00am - 4:00pm

Ph: 204-925-9600

Syrotech Industries
93 Gomez St Winnipeg MB
Monday – Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm
Ph: 204-942-7900
CR Computers24-2077 Pembina Hwy (South of Bishop Grandin) Winnipeg, MB
May 1 – October 31
Monday - Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm
Ph: 204-261-8900
Powerland Computers
40 Durand Rd. Winnipeg, MB
Monday – Saturday 8:30am – 4:30pm
Ph: 204-237-3800

72 Rothwell Road Winnipeg, MB
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Ph: 204-774-0192

Friday, January 27, 2012

Kale's Responses

Teacher and Technology - Jan 27, 2012

Flash Animation Workshop - Tuesday Jan 31 4:30 - 7:00 Free! Supper included. F204 RRC Notre Dame. Sign-up - mail to Eva Brown at ebrown38@rrc.mb.ca

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You - http://www.sustainable-city.org/intervws/mander.htm
Garbage/Recycling Report
Winnipeg  Recycling

Urban Mine 
Powerland Computers
City of Winnipeg
Selkirk Seniors Centre

http://fora.tv/2006/11/28/Paradigm_Wars#fullprogram - You can watch just segments of this using the choices listed. It would not play in Firefox for me, but was fine in Chrome.
General videos by Mander - or do your own search
Lakoff and Johnson - Metaphors We Live By - and a summary and Bower's critique
Lakoff video of how this started
Lakoff  video - Framing

High School UNESCO themed videos

Project Milo

RWL for Jan 31/ Feb 1

R/W/L  at least TWO of these and try a game or two from the game sites:

What Exactly Are Kids Learning From Games?

George Lucas Foundation Series
Katie Salen On Learning With Games (Video)
James Paul Gee on Games and Assessment (Video)
No Gamer Left Behind (Video)

The Psych Files (blog with vodcast and text)

Research on violent games by Doug Gentile
Text interview with Doug Gentile on violent video games

Games Sites
Bio Games link - Spongelab Interactive
explorelearning.com - class code: 3FRYNF7PEQ
Stu's Quiz Boxes (requires a download and install on a WIndows computer)
The Problem Site
Canada Quiz
Nobel Prize Site - Games
HIstory Games - BBC
Colorado U project
English Games

Game Creation software
Kodu - easy to learn 3D game cration
Game Maker

A side note - Interacting with Computers - Project Milo

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Teacher and Technology - Music Jan 26, 2012

‘Glass Organ’ - Bach


Flash Animation Workshop - Tuesday Jan 31 4:30 - 7:00 Free! Supper included. F204 RRC Notre Dame. Sign-up - mail to Eva Brown at ebrown38@rrc.mb.ca

Important Ideas 10 and 11  

Open discussion in small groups and on Polleverywhere about 13 Reasons Why Digital Learning is Better - read this short article and be prepared for the test. How much of this is different?

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You - http://www.sustainable-city.org/intervws/mander.htm
http://fora.tv/2006/11/28/Paradigm_Wars#fullprogram - You can watch just segments of this using the choices listed. It would not play in Firefox for me, but was fine in Chrome.
General videos by Mander - or do your own search
Lakoff and Johnson - Metaphors We Live By - and a summary and Bower's critique
Lakoff video of how this started
Lakoff  video - Framing
Neil Postman - Five Things we should Know About Technological Change


Rover Flash - iPad browser?
Dragon Search/Dictate
Our Choice and new ‘books’ from Apple (ibooks author)

Project Milo

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

RWL for Jan 31/ Feb 1

R/W/L  at least TWO of these and try a game or two from the game sites:

What Exactly Are Kids Learning From Games?

George Lucas Foundation Series
Katie Salen On Learning With Games (Video)
James Paul Gee on Games and Assessment (Video)
No Gamer Left Behind (Video)

The Psych Files (blog with vodcast and text)

Research on violent games by Doug Gentile
Text interview with Doug Gentile on violent video games

Games Sites
Bio Games link - Spongelab Interactive
explorelearning.com - class code: 3FRYNF7PEQ
Stu's Quiz Boxes (requires a download and install on a WIndows computer)
The Problem Site
Canada Quiz
Nobel Prize Site - Games
HIstory Games - BBC
Colorado U project
English Games

Game Creation software
Kodu - easy to learn 3D game cration
Game Maker

A side note - Interacting with Computers - Project Milo

Teacher and Technology - Jan 25, 2012


Google is NOT a source of images - and how to link your pictures back to the source
    x references in web documents - links on pages and images as well as in References page
    x References page should have separate sections for text, images, video, audio
The Easy Guide to Socializing Online - Australian Dept of Ed
Glogster - make a poster about your personal technology devices
Apple’s new ‘textbooks’ and iTunes U - and a summary
GrockIt Answers - video “For Teachers”
20 Amazing iPad Apps


Flash Animation Workshop - Tuesday Jan 31 4:30 - 7:00 Free! Supper included. F204 RRC Notre Dame. Sign-up - mail to Eva Brown at ebrown38@rrc.mb.ca

Important Ideas 9 and 10

Open discussion in small groups and on Polleverywhere about 13 Reasons Why Digital Learning is Better - read this short article and be prepared for the test. How much of this is different?

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You - http://www.sustainable-city.org/intervws/mander.htm
http://fora.tv/2006/11/28/Paradigm_Wars#fullprogram - You can watch just segments of this using the choices listed. It would not play in Firefox for me, but was fine in Chrome.
General videos by Mander - or do your own search
Lakoff and Johnson - Metaphors We Live By - and a summary and Bower's critique
Lakoff video of how this started
Lakoff  video - Framing
Neil Postman - Five Things we should Know About Technological Change

Project Milo


Rover Flash - iPad browser?
Dragon Search/Dictate
Our Choice and new ‘books’ from Apple (ibooks author)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Teacher and Technology - Music Jan 24, 2012

Google is NOT a source of images - and how to link your pictures back to the source
    x references in web documents - links on pages and images as well as in References page
    x References page should have separate sections for text, images, video, audio
The Easy Guide to Socializing Online - Australian Dept of Ed
Mugeda Animation
Apple’s new ‘textbooks’ and iTunes U - and a summary
GrockIt Answers - video “For Teachers”
20 Amazing iPad Apps


Flash Animation Workshop - Tuesday Jan 31 4:30 - 7:00 Free! Supper included. F204 RRC Notre Dame. Sign-up - mail to Eva Brown at ebrown38@rrc.mb.ca

Important Ideas 8 and 9

Open discussion in small groups and on Polleverywhere about 13 Reasons Why Digital Learning is Better - read this short article and be prepared for the test. How much of this is different?

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You - http://www.sustainable-city.org/intervws/mander.htm
http://fora.tv/2006/11/28/Paradigm_Wars#fullprogram - You can watch just segments of this using the choices listed. It would not play in Firefox for me, but was fine in Chrome.
General videos by Mander - or do your own search
Lakoff and Johnson - Metaphors We Live By - and a summary and Bower's critique
Lakoff video of how this started
Lakoff  video - Framing
Neil Postman - Five Things we should Know About Technological Change

Project Milo


Rover Flash - iPad browser?
Dragon Search/Dictate
Our Choice and new ‘books’ from Apple (ibooks author)