Kinect and XBox 360 - new types of interfaces
My Blackberry’s not working
R/W/L - What surprised you?
From last week: School Policy
A sample:
- Upon entry and departure of class please ensure cell phones are turned off and stored in your backpack.
- On days when we are using cell phones for learning please ensure they are set to silent.
- Only use phones for learning purposes related to classwork.
- When phones are not in use on a day we are using cells for learning place them face down on the upper right side of your desk.
- If you notice someone in the class using their cell phone inappropriately, remind them to use proper cell phone etiquette.
- If at any time your teacher feels you are not using your cell phone for class work you will be asked to place your phone in the bin in the front of the room with a post-it indicating your name and class.
- After the first infraction each month you can collect your phone at the end of class.
- After the second infraction you can collect your phone at the end of the day.
- After the third infraction your parent or guardian will be asked to retrieve your phone. If you use the phone inappropriately again during the month your parent or guardian will be required to retrieve your phone.
- At the beginning of each month, you have a clean slate.
From the TCI agenda:
All Communications devices must be kept out of sight and turned off … during school programs/presentations and in the classroom except when used with the prior permission of the teacher/school for the purposes of calendaring, calculating, note-taking or other activities as directed by the teacher/school. Unauthorized use of these devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment.
The Brain Review - What do we know so far? Keep in mind that the optimists think we know about 20% of how the brain works.
Also - Robert J Sawyer in the TVO - Your Brain on Technology (starting at 10:10) says that we locked in our ideas of schooling and assessment in the age of one input like TV (1950’s and 60’s) and that we are a multitasking species and that is a problem we are currently stuck with.
Pedagogy Issues - content, process, inquiry, engagement, where is your brain?, assessment, research, perspective, thinking - react, consider, reflect
Let’s try some apps and see!
The ADHD issue and what will society be like? - Clifford Stoll
These are a few of My Favourite Apps
Dragon dictate
Dragon search
Instagram ??
Angry Birds?
- Veggie Samurai?
Way more apps:
Conquering Technophobia - Edutopia video
Text version
Best WikisSpaces wikis for 2010.
Learning Science Through Computer Games and Simulations (National Academies Press). 2011. This is a link to the read ‘online’ version.
Darren Kuropatwa and Rob Fisher's presentation: