A17 - Justin, Tracey & JaredA15 - Liana Jenn
Emily, Sherry, Kyle (PenWrite lecture)
Note: Be prepared for next week to share the one or two main ideas that you learned from the topic you chose fro your wiki.
TEDxManitoba is happening Feb 15, 2011 with some really inspiring speakers. TED only allows 100 people to attend the live event (at the Park Theater), but we are looking for a wide range of people, so feel free to sign up for a chance to attend. If you can’t attend, there will be a live stream to watch. Check the site for more details.
Eduhound - a collection of collections of web pages on a variety of topics - some great, some not so great.
Important Ideas
Creativity, Problem Solving, Copying and Remixing
- what is needed to be creative?
- is everyone creative?
- why is creativity hard?
- what is the difference between copying, remixing and stealing?
- E B C#m A
Clifford Stoll: 18 minutes with an agile mind.
Stephen Hawking: Asking big questions about the Universe
Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law
Sir Ken Robinson ???
Jeff Han - TED talks - new interface
Literacy With ICT
- at what level of the Cognitive Domain are we being creative? [Knows&Comprehends, Analyzes & Applies, Synthesizes and Evaluates]]
- is it possible to be creative in the affective domain? [Responsibility & Ethics, Social Implications, Collaboration, Motivation & Confidence]
- how can ICT assist in extending critical and creative thinking?
Fresh Brain
iPhone music - U of Michigan (thanks Steph)
Video/Mashups - the new essay?
- samples from REC UNESCO projects
Thanks Amanda for this:
Steven Cameron, in his article, "Technology in the Creative Classroom", provides another point of view on creativity in Digital Natives. He points that creativity is an individual artistic quality that lies in those willing to take the time to pay close attention to detail. As a professor of creative technology classes, his trained eye can see a clear difference between those students who took the "short cut" in quickly cutting and pasting their projects together and those who actually spent time in manipulating their work into creative masterpieces.
While Cameron's skepticism of creativity may be of greater importance in his university classrooms, it is also a valid point for senior years teachers to keep in mind when seeking creativity from their students. Has the student quickly slapped together their 'creative' project, or is there something more, something fresh and original such as Palfrey and Gasser are alluding to, coming out of their digital work? This question is for the classroom teacher to decide when assessing their students' digital work.
Thanks to Liana for this:
At the University of Liverpool, a year long project explored how learners improved in different ways by using digital creativity. Here are some interesting outcomes that they found:
-Students became engaged due to activities that made them personally interested
-Students saw the equipment and wanted to get involved (motivation)
-There was a sense of pride when it was time for the students to present their work to the rest of the classroom and at home
-Teachers noticed that their attendance record was improving in classes that were based on digital creativity activities (persistence)
-Students could take personal control of their learning
-Students were so motivated with their own project or activity that they asked to come in at lunch or after school to work on it
-They created their own finished products, and developed the ideas given to them
-They felt like they mastered a useful skill that they can apply in the future
-They found students to have a better social relationship with eachother
-All students were engaged because they were motivated by one another
-Students worked together productively which helped them develop people management skills
-Literacy was improved by the engaged students in the activity
-Animation was a great reusable resource for other learners
-Animation, video, and music software had a therapeutic value and encouraged personal relfection and developing insight
-Encouraged students to continue education and employment because these digital creative activities raised aspirations.
-With embedding digital creativity across the curriculum, students who had difficulties with certain subjects found helpful resources through technology
-Helped them understand and find a visual meaning for problems they encountered
Source: To read the entire experiment in detail go here:
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