CS curriculum - from Man Ed
- new ideas about GLOs 1 - 3
- GLO 4 - technology
- what's typical, what's unusual
- does the sequence make sense? What alternate sequence could you use?
- is it just another math course?
Take one of the books and work out how much of it you would use and what order you would do it in. Imagine that you have a class of complete novices.
So - how should we get them started with CS?
What are different ways of getting them used to code?
- Give code with blanks to fill in
- Give code with simple errors
- Use templates that they can adapt - see below
This is not just another math course!
x we need other examples and graphics and movement and ..........
x CS language skills / social skills / problem solving skills
x different aspects of CS - what should they know?
Jane McGonigal on TED and why we need to game more!
George Dyson on TED on The development of computers
Shared Google calendar - add your due dates if you haven't already.Netvibes, google reader or another RRS reader.
Class wiki - request access
Gliffy - try it out
Teaching code
Reading first?
Actionscript Sample
_root.blue1._x = 300;
_root.green1._y = 200;
lose1._visible = false;
blue1.onPress = function() {
blue1._alpha = 0;
green1._y = 0;
blue1.onRollOver = function() {
blue1._alpha += 10;
green1._y += 30;
if(green1._y >= 320)
lose1._visible = true;
green1._visible = 0;
blue1._visible = false;
Actionscript Sample 2
_root.blue1._x = 300;
_root.green1._y = 50;
lose1._visible = false;
playAgain1._visible = false;
blue1.onPress = function() {
blue1._alpha = 0;
green1._y = 0;
blue1.onRollOver = function() {
blue1._alpha += 10;
green1._y += 30;
if (green1._y>=320) {
lose1._visible = true;
green1._visible = 0;
blue1._visible = false;
playAgain1._visible = true;
playAgain1.onRelease = function() {
_root.blue1._alpha = 100;
blue1._visible = true;
_root.green1._y = 50;
green1._visible = 1;
lose1._visible = false;
playAgain1._visible = false;
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