Mimio practice
Exam Questions
Important Ideas - 10 and 11
Video, etc - the new 'essay' - think about LwICT presentation
Wikipedia - not always reliable (Sasquatch)
With luck the students will learn:
- how easy it is to mount information on Wikipedia
- that anybody, not just experts, can add information to Wikipedia
- that there are other sources of information more reliable than that on Wikipedia.
- that information on Wikipedia is subject to change given new research
- that Wikipedia is socially constructed and edited
- the importance of individual contribution to the knowledge of the world
- the need for ethical creation and use of information
- that _plagiarism _is_ easily _identifiable
- the need to cite information sources used to construct the article
Some Characteristics of Digital Natives - from Grown Up Digital
Copyright and the Teacher - Mandy's slides ---> only for A16 and A18 (got up to Access Copyright)
Kathy Cassidy - Top Ten Sites for Elementary
Can We Do This Better?
Ken Robinson - Creativity in Schools
Computer as worksheet, dict, encyc, calculator, etc.
Searching beyond google
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