Important Ideas - all done???
Apps to try
Your favorites??
NearPod - download this for your iOS or Android device
PopBoardz - new style presentation/organization tool
Skitch - markup tool (iOS and Android)
Social Media and the Classroom
from the RWL
Educators, Students and Facebook - student creation from a few years ago. (Note - know when to toss the rubric!!)
Share your RWL with 2-3 others. What is the role, if any, of Social Media in YOUR classroom?
Should teachers use Facebook with students? Facebook and the teacher - Q - 2010-12-21. Ian Grunwald in Wpg // Anthony Marko in Hamilton
x Your thoughts?
- Do you need to be Facebook ‘friends’ with your students?
- Are you scared to meet your students at the mall?
- What if you live in a small town?
- Aren’t you essentially ‘friends’ with all your students and their families?
- how is this different?
Facebook alternatives - Edmodo and Schoology
CBC report on Social Media - face-face time is important.
CBC report on Social Media - face-face time is important.
Social Media and the Teacher
How are you building your PLN?
In subject area groups find web resources/hashtags/diigo groups etc that will help you. There are also some PLN resources for newteachers and studentteachers.
Post your findings on the class wiki on the appropriate page listed in the sidebar.
Course Evaluation !!!
Course Evaluation !!!
No RWL - prepare for your exam!