Read this article on Samsung and a Memphis school while you wait for people to arrive (or whenever this is posted.)
PLNs - Live Binder, RSS, Netvibes, Twitter, Diigo, Evernote, google drive - doc sharing
Find three apps you haven’t seen before that might be interesting. Choose one of these:
iTunes apps or browse in iTunes
Google Play
Oct 31 class ?????
Tom Peters on creative education
TED Talk - Sarah-Jayne Blakemore: The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain
Groups of three - what were the most important things you learned from the RWL? Tweet them to our class hashtag - #mlcourse
The Brain - “Will fast facts do to our brains, what fast food has done to our bodies?” R. Redekopp
Then choose one more from among the following and bring your notes to class:
Multitasking or Paying Attention: Winnifred Gallagher - the book Rapt, or video (around the 30 minute mark to find the multitasking stuff)audio
Favourite Apps!! Books and ????
What is education? What do the experts think? The Agenda
What you think the purpose of education is should help determine how you use technology (and everything else you do in teaching)
Read / Watch / Listen for Oct. 3, 2012
Check your school/division policy re: mobile devices
Our Digital Future: Jobs of Tomorrow (TVO - The Agenda)
How do we figure out what works and what doesn’t?
BTR podcast - An Interview with Researcher and Teacher Victor Fitzgerald - Apr 08,2010 (12:00 - 16:00)
Marguerite Koole - ways to consider this “balance between the controls and constraints of social technologies and the needs of distance students.”
Q - 2010-12-21 Andrea Martin (but we’re listening to the first few minutes about Facebook and teachers). Ian Grunwald in Wpg // Anthony Marko in Hamilton
Choosing a blog / wiki / web site for your Assign 3
Sharing - google docs, dropbox, MS SkyDrive
SumoPaint - create an image of hwo you feel about tech in the classroom or how you feel about technology
Joel - sound system demo?
Important Idea #6 and 7
Smartboard intro - basics that should have workedFind someone you haven’t worked with in class before and compare your ideas from the readings. You can use the following if you need to.
- Is Mander right about a ‘global conspiracy’ by corporations to run the earth? Does he over-glamourize indigenous cultures or are we not paying enough attention to them?
- Do you speak another language? Are there ideas or expressions that do not translate well? Does language limit how we think?
- Is Postman right that tech advantages are never distributed equally?
Tweet your best thoughts to #umtandt
Next class - SMARTBoard setup and use.
More on big issues and metaphors
Read/Watch/Listen list for Sept 25 and 27
Issues related to technology - language is important!!!
At least TWO of the following and bring your notes:
What You Don't Know Can Hurt You -
Videos: - You can watch just segments of this using the choices listed. It would not play in Firefox for me, but was fine in Chrome.
General videos by Mander - or do your own search
Lakoff and Johnson - Metaphors We Live By - and a summary and Bower's critique
Lakoff video of how this started
Lakoff video - Framing
Neil Postman - Five Things we should Know About Technological Change
Anything else on - Is Google making us stupid?
Best 50 blogs for Future Teachers - something to possibly explore
For an overview of some terminology see the Educause collection of 7 Things You Should Know About ... - look through the list and update yourself on one or two!
TED Talk - Sarah-Jayne Blakemore: The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain
The Brain!! Continuing from our discussion on Google making us stupid, what does the research on concentration, multitasking and brain development say to us? Share what you learned from the RWL with a group of three or 4 and report back to the large group. Choose one person to lead, one to record (paper or on our wiki), one to speak, and if you have 4 people, one ‘timekeeper’ to make sure everyone has a chance to speak. Link to group roles.
The Brain - “Will fast facts do to our brains, what fast food has done to our bodies?” R. Redekopp
Then choose one more from among the following and bring your notes to class:
Multitasking or Paying Attention: Winnifred Gallagher - the book Rapt, or video (around the 30 minute mark to find the multitasking stuff)
Lab (11:30)
Donna Masson (Ed librarian) on better research searches
Next class
The brain and the pervasive influence of technology.
Read/Watch/Listen list for Sept 26
Issues related to technology - language is important!!!
At least TWO of the following and bring your notes:
Videos: - You can watch just segments of this using the choices listed. It would not play in Firefox for me, but was fine in Chrome.
General videos by Mander - or do your own search
Lakoff video - Framing
Teacher and Tech RWL for Week of Sept 25
Issues related to technology - language is important!!!
At least TWO of the following and bring your notes:
What You Don't Know Can Hurt You -
Videos: - You can watch just segments of this using the choices listed. It would not play in Firefox for me, but was fine in Chrome.
General videos by Mander - or do your own search
Lakoff and Johnson - Metaphors We Live By - and a summary and Bower's critique
Lakoff video of how this started
Lakoff video - Framing
Neil Postman - Five Things we should Know About Technological Change
Mobile Learning Course RWL for Sept 26
General interest??
Best Practices Discussion Group from LinkedIn
iPadQuest - a blog by an iPad using teacher
The Brain - “Will fast facts do to our brains, what fast food has done to our bodies?” R. Redekopp
Then choose one more from among the following and bring your notes to class:
Multitasking or Paying Attention: Winnifred Gallagher - the book Rapt, or video (around the 30 minute mark to find the multitasking stuff)audio